The project team is a multinational group. The members are from Italy, Malta and Belgium. The Italian partners are Confprofessioni, which represents the lead beneficiary of the grant, and the three national trade union FILCAMS-CGIL, FISASCAT-CISL and UILTUCS. The Maltese partner is MFPA, as representative organization for professionals. The Belgian partner is CEPLIS, the European Association for liberal professions.
[wpgmza id=”1″]CONFPROFESSIONI
Confprofessioni (Italian Confederation of Liberal Professions) is a second level employers’ association that represents and protects the interests of liberal professionals in Italy. It was established in 1966 with the idea of bringing together in a single representative body the professionals practising regulated professions. Confprofessioni has been a recognised social partner since 1978 and is a signatory party to the National Collective Labour Contract of the employees of the professional practices. Twenty national professional associations adhere to Confprofessioni.
The European Council of the Liberal Professions (CEPLIS) is the only inter-professional association bringing together the liberal professionals at European level. Its members are national interprofessional and European mono-professional bodies representative of the professional sector. The purpose of Ceplis is to promote, at both scientific and cultural level, the exercise of the liberal professions. In this regard, it coordinates and defends the moral, cultural scientific and material interests of the liberal professions.
The Malta Federation of Professional Associations (MFPA) was set up in 1971 by seven founding organisations. Today MFPA comprises of 17 professional organisations as full members and other three organisations with partial membership, representing no less than 10.000 professionals in Malta. Among its main objectives: the promotion of professions; the maintenance of professional standards; the promotion of inter-professional relationships; the protection of professional rights and privileges; contribution to the advancement of the interests of society.
Eurocadres, as one of the three recognised European cross-sectoral social partners, represents six million employees and participate in the European cross-sectoral social dialogue. it voices the cross-sectoral interest of professionals and managers through advocacy, social dialogue and joint work with member organisations
UILTucs was founded in 1950 as a part of UIL (Unione italiana lavoro, Italian Labour Trade Union), which gave UILTuCS the competence on the private sector of tourism, services, food. Main objectives and activities concern trade union negotiations and the signature of national collective agreements for its specific sector. It publishes periodicals, organises study seminars and provides assistance, also on legal matters to workers in the said sectors.
Fisascat-CISL is the trade union federation representing workers in the sectors of tourism and services. Within this scope, it negotiates national collective labour contracts as well as company-level agreements and territorial collective agreements. It is present in all Italian regions and provinces. Its main activity is the negotiation of collective agreements at both national and company level, particularly in the services sector, in commercial groups and tourism and hospitality companies.
Filcams CGIL
Filcams CGIL is the Italian federation of workers in the field of retail, hotels, canteens and services, a trade union belonging to CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labour) created in 1960 by the merger of two trade federations, FILAM and Filcea. It represents the interests of workers and defends individual and collective rights, ranging from welfare systems to rights at the workplace. It signs labour contracts and through the process of negotiation it promotes better life and working conditions, skills and expertise development and gender equality policies.