On 14th October 2020, a meeting of the Tripartite Social Summit was held via videoconference. The theme was “Implementing together an inclusive economic and social recovery in Europe”. The Tripartite Social Summit is a two-yearly forum for dialogue between EU institutions at president level and the European social partners at top management level.
Participating social partners include: BusinessEurope, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises (CEEP), SMEunited (association of crafts and SMEs in Europe), CEC European Managers.
Participants discussed on Resilience and Recovery Facility, EU’s recovery funds and EU 2030 climate target, digital transition and opportunities for workers and SMEs, the role of social dialogue in ensuring the success of Next Generation EU.
The President of the European Council Charles Michel stressed the central role of social partners in articulating an effective response to the crisis as well as in the implementation of the Recovery plan.
The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the importance of the dialogue between governments and social partners.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, holding the rotating presidency of the Council, called on social partners to get involved and play a part in shaping change, since they are crucial to the process of building a social Europe and ensuring social cohesion.
From the side of workers, Mr. Visentini suggested the creation of partnership with unions and employers to shape European and national recovery plans, and to ensure a socially just transition to a climate-friendly Europe; while, from the side of employers, Mr. Gattaz stressed the importance of financial support for enterprises under the MFF and Next Generation EU.